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x-me and milz-x

Idk what to tell you 'bout miley.she is a good girl.we're not close friends but we like to spend our time together ..just sometimes.
anyway she is a friendly gurl.trust me
lovely pic
lovely pic

Comments • 4

LoveSoMuchMiley 1 March 2011  
milez ohhhh is the very coolz!!!!!!!1
LoveSoMuchMiley 1 March 2011  
awwwwwwwwwwww me milez<33 i love you milez!!!!!!!
xMileyLovesYou 28 February 2011  
Yeaaa ' :) Thanks :) You are friendly , too <3 xoxo
HeyItsChloeBridgesxD 28 February 2011  
dear @xMileyLovesYou you shoud stop .you're not milz
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